Saturday, January 31, 2009

NOW I get it!!!

Once in a class on economics and public policy I failed the midterm. Let me restate, I walked into to class thinking I had studied and read all the chapters likely to be on the test. I opened my blue book to begin to answer the 3 questions and realized I didn't know the 2 of 3 questions. The question that stuck out and is a story I tell my students about "no professor is going to make you a study sheet, so you need to develop good notetaking strategies as you read" was a question about Say's Law of economics about the interaction of supply and demand. Needless to say I bucked up and became a better student after bombing the test and a really uncomfortable meeting with my advisor. So I laughed out loud as I read Paul Krugman's blog post this morning about Keynes theory versus Say's law. If I could only time travel back to 1995! I would be such a better student after being a teacher!

On a totally different note, I toured another Montessori this morning with Ben. He loved the materials they had out for children to play with while the parents (all who I think I taught their relatives at my old magnet high school) talked to the teachers and school director. I have a one-on-one interview later in the month, but I think it would be worth the 30 minute drive if we are picked in their lottery. Heading to another open house tomorrow while everyone else is pre-superbowl partying I'm being a overzealous parent sitting in a little chair taking copious notes!

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