Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tales from the Little Potty- Vol 3

Highlighted on Ben's daily sheet today in bright highlighter was this statement "Ben fell in the potty today." I know that I shouldn't laugh as it was probably traumatic for him, but the image cracks me up. Everything was soaked to the bone, down to his shoes poor guy. Supposedly he has been working on sitting on the big potty and pushing his penis down after peeing all over his pants for the past few days and today he fell butt first into the bowl.

On the positive he is frequently waking up dry from nap and has been asking to pee in his little potty when he gets up in the morning. He is also staying dry longer between accidents. Tonight we had the poop-plosion and he even tried to help clean up, sweet boy. On the down side I hoped to relax into American Idol and nip/tuck instead of moping the floor, more laundry, and scrubbing Ben down from head to toe.

I didn't want my kitchen nor my son to smell like used wine at the bus station. Just another day in the life of a parent, right?

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