Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bring It On "09

Our quiet night to ring in the New Years turned into dropping by friends seafood boil where I wound up doing 4 shots before we left much to Bill's surprise. It was loud, crazy, and remind me of college days of yore.

We did ring in the New Year by tucking Ben into bed together. My hopes for 2009 are high. Talking to Laura yesterday about our upcoming Obama inauguration trip was the icing on the cake to get syked about this new year. We are so going to rock at the ND party in our matching t-shirts!

So my list of resolutions are short in hopes of accomplishing them all-
1. Work on Baby V part deux
2. Make some type of resolution about my job
3. Potty train Ben
4. Make use of the new elliptical
5. Be a more supportive spouse and show appreciation more often

Here's to a Year of Great Expectations

1 comment:

LauraC said...

Happy new year! Love the resolutions. (And hey I have a 10% off coupon for Dick's if you need it. Don't forget to sign up for the rewards card!)

I can't believe we got inauguration tickets! I am still excited about it this morning!