Friday, January 30, 2009

PART DEUX and a FINALE for Friday

I have hit the wall folks. I didn't think about it being a really long week until I figured out all that has gone down this week. Over the past couple of days I have been dwelling on 1. Ben not sleeping at school 2. Where Ben should be this fall?

Needless to say I am stressing myself out when in actuality both are not big deals in the scheme of things. I was met at the door of his school tonight by the assistant director to discuss #1 as well as two accident reports (both of which he caused). Oh brother! I thought since he had gotten up a whole hour earlier this morning he would of course sleep today. NOPE, once again he was up the whole time. So some time this weekend will be spent looking for last ditch sleep efforts. Ideas?

I have now booked myself into the preschool Hall of Fame for number of visits. I have multiple visits upcoming including 2 open houses this weekend. I am tired even thinking about going to all these dog and pony shows, but the payoff is too important.

I am really, really tired tonight in abnormal way. I don't think I am going to make to our Friday night ritual of watching a weeks worth of Daily Shows/Colbert Reports. Not doing caffeine is contributing but adding it up it's been a busy week...

1. Finished giving and grading final exams
2. Calculated final grades, prepared failure letters for 28 students, contacted them, moved over 100 text books, kicked off a new semester with so many kids in 2/3 classes that it looks like a refugee camp (this task included seating charts, tons of copies, and pulling each child's records before day one Wednesday)
3. Today I stayed until almost 5 pm and got everything ready for next week PLUS finished the last of a major clean out of old student files.

On the Personal front I....
1. Got the last of holiday returns done
2. Got my hair cut
3. Finished Jan book club book and went last night

I really liked Laura's (and Lit and Laundry) idea of tackling a few projects each week instead of the shot gun approach I typically go for. So promise myself for next week since I have lots of after school and night commitments, that I am picking 5 things to do for School/Home. Let me get back to you on Monday after I collapse tonight!


LauraC said...

The only things I would say on the sleep front are that it's best for a consistent wakeup time and consistent bed time. But, like I said before, I know a LOT of kids who've dropped the nap at this age!

I realized I had to start doing less to accomplish more, and also not burn myself out! I still got a million other things done this week but I knew I wanted those three DONE.

Threeundertwo said...

I have no idea on the sleep. I hope you join in on my Finished for Friday. You seem like a really productive person.