Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Change has Come!

Where were YOU on 1-20-2009? I was there... with TICKETS

How to describe the wave of sound passing over as 2 million people are chanting OBAMA? ABsolutly Surreal Standing IN the middle of history will go down as one of the most awesome moments of my life as well as a SWEET 34th birthday present.

The whole trip seemed to radiate good karma in part due to Laura's planning. Our trip included manageable traffic and transportation options getting to and from the big day, staying with Laura's blogfriend Beth, and when we picked up the tickets we met Senator Conrad in person.

We walked and mapped out the Capitol on Monday for inauguration day logistics, saw Steven Colbert's portrait in the Smithsonian and the Lincoln memorial at night...

A happenstance meeting for drinks with another blogfriend of Laura's led to us finding the Obama swag superstore and my finding of the motherload of souvenirs.

Inauguration Day itself was insane with crowds. We luckily only spent an hour in line for security before finding a great place to stand just behind the reflecting pool. We had an unobscured view of the podium and when leaving the DC area amass the crowds and bitter cold we were often ahead of the worst of the waves of people as we made our way home.

So where were YOU? I was making unforgettable history! Change has come and we saw it firsthand!

1 comment:

LauraC said...

I really could not imagine having made the trip with anyone else. What an amazing day and an amazing trip!