Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Have to be Kidding Me !?!

I prosmie NOT to unleash the fury in a multi paragraph post, I too tired at it's not even 9 am yet, but needless to say finding out that folks that forclosed on a home will get a tax credit made me want to scream! I actually asked the tax prep lady to repeat herself as Bill was hitting me saying, "why did you ask, did you really want to know?"

After owing double what we did last, Bill said it best, "Damn, could we be any more screwed this year. Our 401ks, 529, IRAs are all down 40% and we still owe!" In all fairness we have our jobs, savings for what it's worth, and our house. We do not owe on cars or credit cards so in comparison we are living like Kings compared to so, so, so many.

Doing our own taxes went out the window when we bought a house and added more complex investments. There are just some things I will happily fork over money for the luxury of a few hours compared to weekends of time. Luckily we have used the same very reliable person for the past 7 years and even she couldn't get us off the hook this year.

Without belaboring a point that frankly we are all in, I hope you will check out Laura's contest for listing to a recent edition of This American Life. She does a much more fabulous job encourging you to listen and then enter her contest than I ever could. If you REALLY want to know how I feel about this whole Economic mess, then read the comment I posted. I warn you, pull up a chair and pour yourself a drink as you'll be reading a while.

In all seriousness, do check it out, very worth your time as a tax-paying citizen who is suffering in your own ways during this recession... or should we call it depression?

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