Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tales From the Little Potty-Volume 5

This is the SHOUT-OUT version... Welcome to the club Nate! We are proud of YOU!

Last night while I was getting dinner ready Ben proceeded to strip down and start dancing in the kitchen. All to a get down on it mix of Marketplace and Tad from his Leapfrog fridge animal matching game. I'm so going to cut a record of this fabulous mix as there is nothing like Kai Ryssdal interspersed with moos and clucking.

He went over and sat on the potty and started talking about pooping. He started naming all the people that he knows and if they had pooped. Seeing this is still a major hurdle and I am really tired of poopy underwear, I asked if he wanted me to sit on the floor with him and read a book. YES, Mommy! So we sat, and sat, and sat. and then....

POOP! A big potty dance and stickers all around. He refused to put his pants or undies back on so he went commando the rest of the night. Ben so earned it, even it is wasn't the most pleasurable dinner entertainment!


Beth said...

Woo-hoo! Congrats to Ben. Another friend also had potty success with #2 and used bubbles to keep her daughter on the potty and distracted enough to wait. Don't know if you've read "Once Upon a Potty" but there's a whole page of the little boy that says, "he sat and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat . . . " Well, you get the picture. May this be the first of many many more!

LauraC said...

We're not there yet and I'm sure it will be a long long time! Yay for Ben!