Friday, February 6, 2009

Coupon Crazy!

I love the look on the cashiers face when they have to look twice before they announce my weekly savings. I hit Harris Teeter on the way home and saved 52.00 in triple coupons and 27.00 in weekly specials. Normally I try to spend no more than 75.00 a week in groceries but this week the bill was around 120.00 after all discounts. In my defense I bought enough food to make 6 freeze ahead dishes that I am cooking this weekend with a friend. We are making Ultimate Mac and Cheese, Sheppard's Pie with PW mashed potatoes, and Mexican Chicken with Cornbread Crust. For about 5.00 a meal we are recreating the very expensive meal prep place by dividing the work and trading costs.

I also picked up an appetizer for an upcoming dinner with friends since it was on sale as well as our part of Matt's birthday group potluck dinner tomorrow night.

I have already almost 200.00 this year by strategically couponing.

Even get a rush saving money??? I do! But then I spent many a weeknight going to the grocery 30 minutes before they closed with my mom to literally RUN through the store before some coupon expired. It's in my blood folks!!!

1 comment:

LauraC said...

Sweet! I am at $196 saved at HT for the year. Of course you know I have a spreadsheet!