Overhead in the last 10 years, "yeah..snicker..snicker.. the only time you will ever see me run is
1. Someone is chasing me
2. a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop is on fire and SOMEONE needs to save the merchandise"
I'm totally eating my words (and also 4 Krispy Kreme doughnuts consumed this week on Ben Date night)
You can only have a first race once, so why not run all the way with that inside joke as your motivation on a custom hat.
So freakin' proud of myself for sticking out making this Mondo Goal a reality tomorrow.
As I wrote about in my Team 317 post, I'm totally in awe that this accomplishment because I know what it took to get here. Not just over the last 4 months of running several times a week but really the last 10 years.
But enough with the After School Special, SO....
Go sticking to my guns, Go making a commitment and keeping it, GO ME!
How's that for some shameless self promotion?!?
Send me some good thoughts tomorrow morning around 8:30. I opted for one last short run yesterday. My knee felt good until the last 1/2 mile and I was within 5 mins from the time I am shooting to finish. A first race is a guaranteed PR. SWEET!
As I proclaimed at the start of the New Year that I put 2011 On Notice for Potential A$$ kicking all year long.
Team 317 totally kicked to the curb tomorrow while I smile (and hopefully don't become a big ol' hot sobbing mess) all the way to the finish line.
Go Go Go Go!!
Seriously, as a fellow "why would I run if there isn't a bear chasing me?" graduate, there's nothing like your first race. The finish time barely matters at all. The fact that YOU RAN is an awesome feeling all on its own. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to re-starting C25K and rocking my next-first race.
SWEET post.
See you in the AM!
Rock it, Heather!! That hat is so fantastic! Have an awesome run! Good for you for sticking with it; Isn't that the best feeling?!? You deserve to indulge in self-promotion! I'll be probably starting in on my Saturday run a little after you've finished and will be thinking about you as I head out onto the pavement... Here's to your PR!!!
You'll do great!
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