Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Making a (Christmas) list and checking it twice (or 18 times)

Last night Ben and I kicked off our annual family Christmas countdown with an extra special date night at a local Festival of Trees.

Ben enjoyed the show choir performing more than the trees (unless they had a toy or something pink theme). We left when I found him writing his name repeatedly on the silent auction list.

Last year I felt like we shoved way too much into the month of December. This year I sat down with Bill and talked over how we could incorporate date nights and special one on one events with Ben in lieu of trucking everyone all over town. Here is our tentative list of family events we hope to hit before the end of the year.

Nightly participation in the Jesse Tree Advent calendar

Build the Lego Christmas advent set

Sing Silly Christmas Songs/Listen to Christmas music in the car

Attend a live Nativity

Read 2 Christmas bedtime books with Ian under our tree (mommy collects kids Christmas books and has over 50)

Try ice skating

Ride the Santa Train

Make a special gift from Ben and Ian for Grandmommy, Mema, Uncles Jamie and Brian

Sled at the Bond Park Winter Wonderland

Visit with Santa

Check out the area holiday lights/inflatables

Decorate a Christmas tree

Attend a Christmas parade

Make a gingerbread house

Write a letter to Santa

Watch Christmas programs on family movie night

Go to the Festival of Trees

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