Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This Old House Can SUCK IT!

Or make that Tim Allen from Home Improvement or people who get off just walking into a Home Depot. We are are week 2 of almost nightly work to get our entire upstairs ready for new carpet. I think I totally underestimated what was going to be involved with this process. I erroneously thought I would enter into the Mecca of folk that like to spend their time ogling over wet-dry vacs, I would pick out carpet, they would come remove the old and install the new. I didn't think about the fact that since we had cats that we would have to remove the old ourselves, scub every single part of the room down as well as everything once in the room to avoid the same cat smell from ruining the new carpet and Ben's new bedroom.

We have also taken on painting all the floorboards and wood on a built in bookcase unit to seal in anything remaining nasty before Friday install. Everything including things on the walls have to be removed from each room and stored for them to come in an install. This brought up having to clean out our walk out storage just to have a place to store things.

We have had LOTS to go through and clean out. I tossed all but a couple of boxes of anything that came with me from SC, Bill on the other hand had to keep a bag that looks like a pig that he made in middle school home ec. As you can imagine home improvement projects are not good for our marriage so we have spent much time doing things separately in hopes of not pissing each other off.

It's not like we didn't know this and for the most part try to avoid home improvement projects like the plague. Let's see in the 15 years together we have repainted a kitchen and dining room with wagon wheel wallpaper with red paint and hung boarder. Put a ceiling fan in after having to use an axe to install... don't ask, repainted bill's office, repainted a bathroom and hung border, prepped for hardwood instillation, built a brick patio.

During every project we are both on our worst behavior not matter how much we try to make this project different. Tonight we will be pulling out the pee soaked parts of the staircase carpet since Lowes refuses to touch anything involving animal fluids. How about human? Can I pee on it just so you will remove it? Just what every house needs, bare floorboards and exposed tack strip on the stairs. I bet if try really hard we could wind up in the ER with a puncture wound for someone by night end.

Please God let Friday get here, I simply cannot more anymore boxes or haul anything else up and down the steps. I'm telling you I am going to roll around on that new carpet come Friday night. Want to come watch and tell me it was all worth it?


LauraC said...

Love the blog post title! Jon and I also avoid home improvements together, preferring to outsource when possible.

Aren't you EVEN MORE GLAD the cats are gone?! Can you imagine dealing with this with a newborn and Ben?

Beth said...

LMAO. You are describing Ed and me. We can't even hang pictures together. For the record, it's totally him. I work together with people just fine! Hang in there!