Thursday, July 8, 2010

check in

yep.. it's time (again) to say where did the week go? Since it's confession time how about the last month, last few months. I feel like I have been in a big ol mommy fog albeit that I do get some pass for the whole newborn thing.

Needless to say it's been a busy summer, but not being on the go as with years past. I'll repeat that need be so prove the SAHM I have become.

I'm home with both kids for most of the day, balancing a part time job, make that almost full time learning how to teach online, going to twice a week swim lessons for 8 weeks, helping with the twins each Tuesday, what else can I throw in there has taken time away from trying to post each day. I recently had to make a laminated weekly work/home to do list that I kid you not include the words, "pack clean underwear" after forgetting Ben's camp bag more than once.

So on that note, I'm finding the grove bits at a time. I'm adjusting to the whole two kid thing slowly, very, very slowly. It's been a good week discipline wise at All Day Camp Mommy. But I am happy that Y 1/2 day camp starts back on Monday. If anything I'll be happy to have a couple of hours minus the background of a freakin' bus station while I'm on the phone with schools everyday.

I got word today they want me back this fall to teach online, but with no promise of number of sections. So now it's decision time and it's funny that I heard back today from the powers that be accepting my resignation from NHS.

There are several posts in the works, I just need to finish them, proof them about million times and then post. Following Moxie Friday with an online discussion of NutureShock is a start for several posts. I have recommended this book to so many other teachers/friends alone and it's really made me think about parenting as well as approach to students. And there is this other freeze ahead blog that I keep compiling recipes for and need to get up by then end of the year. Yeah, yeah...

Think I know where on the priority list that is going to go right now. Looking forward to the weekend with a big grill out/ welcome baby party that we had to reschedule from May. At least it's not at my house and I have been forbidden from helping cook or clean in any way. Perfect.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's right! You are forbidden! :-)