I was sadly at the gym today to drop Ben for a day of camp when Bill texted me with the following message,
"do NOT stop to exercise, REPEAT do not.. you are not cleared"
I will have to admit seeing the wall to wall people making fitness resolutions on Day 2 of the new year was just about killing me. Come on I had on fitness clothes as the compression feels good on my stomach even with the oh so lovey post surgery garments, I even had on my ever present sun visor... alas no working out until cleared.
Last year I choose not to make resolutions, but rather goals for the month, goals for this space, and overall quantifiable goals for myself for the year. I can honest to God say I didn't go back and look exactly what I wrote until I was writing the year end post and realized, I actually met most of them. Amazing what keeping more relaxed life rules can do :)
In hopes of making 2012 goals attainable I want to take some aspect each day this week to post a few meaningful and attainable with effort goals.
We rang in the new year quietly at home with the kids after a grocery run for dinner where all bets were off. Want it? Get it. Eat it.
Ian ate blueberries and chocolate cake
Ben chocolate covered pretzels and chicken nuggets
Bill the nastiest EZ cheese in a can on top of water crackers
Me a cheese plate. Yes I even thought for .912 sec about pork rinds, but wavered
Bill and I put the kids in bed and watched The Change Up and by a few mins after midnight we both were in bed. We spent New Years day: church as a family, yes even Bill who commented that he didn't burst into flames upon entrance.
Breakfast at Cracker Barrel, Bill date with Ben to see the Muppet Movie while Ian and I napped, and then a trip to the nearby park in shorts in flip flops given the crazy warm weather over the weekend.
We met up with our neighbors and rode bikes outside while Bill grilled burgers. Another movie (disappointing Crazy, Stupid, Love) and we had just the weekend needed before the start to school, work, daycare grind again.
All four of us have literally been together in this house for the last good 10 days and minus remember how much I am ready for this 18-24 month phase to pack it up we've done well. Ben of note has has some of the best behavior we have seen from him with his helpfulness, maturity, and in general not being a tool.
I'm staying home a few more days, given I just now feel at all up to doing much outside of laying on the couch. I'm back to the surgeon for another visit on Wednesday and taking some time to finish up some things around the house before the full start back most likely Friday for a gloriously one day work week.
My destination for this year has so many places: family time, planned trips with friends and family, even the daily monotonous grind, thousands of miles away for 9 days in Africa.
I am so unbelievably hopeful about this year and the destinations ahead for all those I love.
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