Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tales from the Little Potty- "I forget what volume... it's been SOOOO long"

On the potty training front we are at the same place as 3 months ago, 6 months ago, a year ago of Ben pooping on himself 1-2 times a day with little to no interest in sitting on a potty. He talks a good game about being a big boy and how he poops on a potty so I know somewhere in his little head he knows what he is suppose to be doing.

We have tried the Project Enlightenment suggestions of 1. running to the potty (to prevent hiding) 2. using warm washclothes instead of wipes to encourage him to do help with clean up (this one is so much more fun to add more laundry to the list), and trying a more direct approach of telling instead of asking. This last one extends beyound potty training.

Results- He is not hiding nearly as much (no more under the bed issues). I refuse to add more to my day so wipes it is with a mandate that he help with wiping at least once each time has has an accident. I am really working on setting more firm limits, not backpeddleling, and using in room time outs.

So Friday night as we were finishing up bathtime he told me that his lead teacher said, "Ben is you keep pooping on yourself then we may have to walk over to the Toddler house, as that's were boys who poop on themselves go." Lightbulb idea and I emailed her over the weekend that I think this might be an angle to play out. All weekend we talked about how sad it would make us not to see our friends, play on the big boy playground, see his teachers.

His response was immedite pushing back and a refusal to talk about it. I kept him home Monday since we had sickness over the weekend, and wouldn't you know it that both days this week he took a visit to the toddler house to get his poopy pants changed into a diaper. From talking to his teacher we are going to try the "look what you missed with the big boys and girls because you were with all the babies angle for a few weeks." As expected Ben clams up when I ask him, even in front of the teacher.

So we will see if this makes any difference, or we will cast it onto the the pile of tried that potty training advice. Think I should put 4T pull ups on my non-existant baby registery as there seems no end in sight?

1 comment:

Beth said...

Baby steps. And it looks like there is some improvement, so build on that. This is probably stupid and you've probably already tried it, but have you done the reverse psychology thing? ("No, Ben, you can't use the toilet. You have to poop in your underwear today." That tactic works every time with Seth! Of course, he's not potty training.) Well, your plan sounds more promising anyway. Fingers crossed!