Thursday, January 21, 2010

No ice storms, Nail Tek Futures, and Monster Truck Dreams

For all the ways that the January 18th SUCKED, the 19th made up for it. Yahoo to ring in 3-5 without some of the greatest hits of my 3-0 with no ice storms that shut down the city on the same day I had to make it cross town with a $5,000 check to the Student Trip company for the one and only overnight fieldtrip I ever planed. Nice that on that same day Bill came to school and lead my 2nd block class in singing to me with a huge bunch of flowers. Major brownie (electronics) points

So this birthday was filled with giving retake exams for a group of students who under new state standards get one additional chance before a review all all the work they should have kept for the semester. Guess who gets to collect and organize the work? I really want to hand some them a brochure for the nail tek program at the local community college with my blessing.

I was able to hold off on the glucose testing until later in the week but I am still watching sugar intake. Probably good since I threw up the complementary cake in the parking lot of the restaurant we ate at Tuesday night. As far as gifts I am getting the watch of my choice to replace my 10+ watch that I think Bill got at Service Merchandise pre Bankruptcy. I was kinda sad when it literally fell off and shattered in the school parking lot on one of the recent 17 degree mornings. It was my daily reminder of my weight loss as it was like a bracelet and would slide all the way up my arm. Nice that Bill made me a card detailing that Spongebob and Hannah Montana both have watches to consider.

Best part was Ben's super sweet version of singing happy birthday in which I think the word "monster truck" was mentioned. That's right, we are going this weekend to a monster truck rally for my birthday. It's more that it coincides with my birthday and after the sheer joy by all Vinsons at the Disney Stunt Spectacular this is proof that I am a boy mom and God help this poor child should it be female.


LauraC said...

Happy (belated) birthday! Crazy that one year ago we were standing in the freezing cold with so much hope. Look, one year later so much to be thankful for.

I can't believe you are getting a new watch!

Beth said...

LOL! I liked the unedited version better. ;-) Glad you had a great birthday. Can't wait to hear about the Monster Jam!