Tuesday, January 12, 2010

6 Positive Things about the Weekend

Since one of my New Years Resolutions is to try to find the positive even when hard, I think this weekend qualifies. My weekend consisted of 12 hours of driving, 26 hours over 2.5 days on hospital duty with my mom who cycled between crazy loony med induced talk and her normal (also often bizarre) self, lots of nasty hospital food, very swollen prego legs and feet, a cold house both nights, and in general still feeling sick with this cold the entire time. BUT... here's the positive!

1. I finished Superfreakonomics. So I had to buy the audiobook as I simply couldn't concentrate on the paper version all the times I tried to start it. I loved, loved, loved the original and I liked this too to a lesser degree. I'm inspired to try my own Freakonomics experiment this week with Semester State Exams with my students

2. I got home in time to read a book and get good night kisses. Bill had done laundry, dishes, and helped unload my car (even with his bum knee). The BEST gift of walking in and having limited responsibilities after a weekend full. THANK YOU!

3. Ikea run x 2. Friday night returns, shopping, more returns when they misrung the sale and being a person who believes in karma did the right thing and pointed out they forgot to charge me for a 80.00 piece. Realizing that I had another piece at my mom's that has yet/or ever to be put together so I took it back on the way home and picked up the stuff I had forgotten in my snot-induced coma haze.

4. Found a way to cut 20 mins off the drive to SC. More traffic but less 2 lane country roads that I always hit in the dark. Plus Bojangles!

5. Tons of grading completed so I can finish final grades more quickly this week.

6. Picked up a new carseat at BRU. Had been looking for a discontinued pattern and alas of COURSE the Greenville, SC still had it. Tried to talk them down and got a little off. Outside of diapers, wipes, and formula this baby is set.

Just for good measure #7. I worked for a bit on the new freeze ahead blog and hope to have up it once I finish entering and linking a tag cloud of 25-30 recipes before going live.

There you go, ended what had been a craptastic week on a high note and feel a little better finally from the antibiotics.

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