Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resoultions, Smeolutions

Before I list 2010 goals, I felt the need to look back at what I posted as goals for 2009. As it goes down it was a tough, tough year both for us individually, as a married couple, as parents to a sweet, but typical 3 year old boy. As always there is much more to the story than got posted online, but by year end we celebrated that we did it together even when seeing past the next day was all we could do.

2009 Goals
1. Work on Baby V part deux
2. Make some type of resolution about my job
3. Potty train Ben
4. Make use of the new elliptical
5. Be a more supportive spouse and show appreciation more often

Final Tally? a big hurrah for accomplishing #1 and for working diligently on the others consistently throughout the whole year (minus the elliptical).

2010 Goal
- Focus on one MAJOR goal throughout the year

Work on being a more attentive parent. This includes making the most of the time at hand, being present in the moment and almost more importantly, just recognizing the moment in the midst of daily life. Adding another child into the mix makes this priority number one for me as I learn to divide priorities and readjust to babymode again. Reading Bad Mother recently just made this point even more of a goal as a parent and as a person.

I think not knowing the gender just adds to the excitement as we round out the last months and in light of how this pregnancy evolved, the most appropriate way to put all our hope and trust in the final outcome. I actually have much more on this I want to say but not for today. Ben and I washed the baby doll last night and talked about being a older brother and it just feels right to be bring another life into our home and family.

So with that I also include my other ongoing goals: continuing to help Ben with potty training, work on setting more limits with Ben, continue to show support and appreciation to Bill for the small things, keep up with a weekly check in meeting and learn from the pitfalls of 2009, pledge to take care of myself, get back into exercising once the baby is safely here, saying NO to extra commitments, work on seeing the positive even when it seems none to be had, break 250 posts for 2010, and put real effort into my freeze ahead blog, continue to choose to read over watching tv, what else?

How about in general go back the only real goal and live in the moment for my family and for myself. If I can do this than everything else will just be icing on the cake.


LauraC said...

I think if you can stick to that one goal, it would be amazing! Personally for me, everything starts with saying no. No to extra commitments, no to being lazy, no to time away from the things that matter - kids, husband, friends.

Beth said...

A very worthy goal indeed. And yet, it's so freakin' hard sometimes! We'll get there, though. From my perspective, you have had a crazy productive and accomplished year, and you took advice (and are taking it) on how to improve your parenting skills, which is a huge step that not a lot of parents are willing to take. Ben sounds like an awesome kid, and you and Bill have so much to do with that! I'll be working on your "live in the present" goal right along with you.

ElizabethS said...

I'm definitely with you. My resolutions include staying in constant contact with Jim about what we need to live happier lives. Using the freeze ahead food to simplify our lives and making a meal plan every week. Anything that we need to do to make things easier and return time to the family. Like you Laura, I'm learning to say no to outside activities, being okay with missing choir when I need to and other things. If you figure things out, feel free to give me some tips!