Friday, October 9, 2009

Phone Photo Friday- Dancin' Pants Edition

I HAD planned to take a picture of the flu (regular)shot that I finally got yesterday, Alas after being told at a 5th, yes 5th place they had preservative free shots I waited and again didn't get a shot. Time now spent waiting to get a flu shot now exceeds 4 hours and at least a tank of gas including driving to Chapel Hill.

So, with that I move to the picture I AM posting. A very excited Ben wearing his poopy dancin' pants after he pooped on the potty last night. After the last weeks of regression this is a step (baby at that) in the right direction.

I somehow inherited this pants that only a child would love and only a good friend would give to you. They are covered in wagon wheels, cowboys, and FRINGE. I don't know if they were part of a costume or heaven forbid an actual outfit. Since we celebrating with the poop dance, I thought how about trying to make it an incentive to get to wear the pants to bed when we read the Pajama Dance book most nights.

Worked like a CHARM and moving to a new reward chart this weekend, including these pants!


LauraC said...

SWEET! Was very excited by your facebook status!

And my goodness, he has not been eating bc he looks so skinny! Either that or a huge growth spurt.

Susie said...

Hi...came across your blog...just wondering if you did finally find a preservative-free shot and if so, where? I've been making calls all over town. Thanks!