Friday, June 19, 2009

Finished For Friday- That Girl's (NOT) on Fire this Summer

I have posted twice this week about goals for this summer while at home from school being: 1. Family Time

2. Time spent not doing household chores all summer but rather things that feed my soul

The reality is that my house is clean, organized to the degree that I can live with, and overall my focus is staying as relaxed and not stressing about all that is going on both with my family here as well in SC.

I am beyond proud that I can look at these 8 weeks and be ok not making a list of 70 things to accomplish. What I am going to aspire to is these few items that I think will make me feel productive without feeling like I spent each and every moment in a frenzy of physical productivity. My summer mantra, Napping is OK

So here goes for a first ever summer to do list with less than 10 items in the checkout line:

1. Bill- Keep up with our weekly Thursday date lunches and day to get household chores done while Ben is at school. Trial run yesterday was magic. 2 hour max spent on house cleaning, appointment, lunch, movie, errands, pick up Ben. Repeat all summer long.

2. Read instead of watching TV. Yesterday I posted books on my summer list. What are you reading... want to share? I must admit Bill and I plan to get caught up on several shows we missed during our crazy year. Are we like the last people to see this season of Lost?

3. Find ways to stay relaxed: Yoga class on Monday night, Acupuncture, i-phone relaxation app, visualization IVF CD. Cheesy, but I totally buy into mind-body connection so throw on a unitard and join me or keep negative comments away from me.

4. Sleep. I am finally sleeping through the night again! After months of my 5 hour a night routine I am sleeping 7 hours most night and I feel better already. I even let myself cat nap suring the day and didn't feel guilty.

5. Cook- Try to put back a month of meals. Summer days are a perfect time to prep a busy July and fall. Plus doing it with a friend has shared in the cost while the kids play. A double win and I will thank myself later.

6. Exercise- Find something everyday to get moving and burn off calories and stress.

7. Making ourSummer of Family Fun a reality. I think this summer of being laid off and medical procdures can be what we make it, an endurance test or possibility the best summer ever. I am opting for the 2nd plan and with a little weekly planning, it can be. Just writing the post of summer plans got me excited!

ps- I really DID get something done today, I cleaned out our first aid box and restocked it with boy-injury friendly items. Woo-hoo to productivity on the summer schedule.


Kellie said...

Hi there...came in from Lit & Laundry...I love your list of Summer to-dos. Laid back and fun is the way to spend the Summer! ...and have fun catching up with was fantastic this season! ;)

Threeundertwo said...

That is such a great list! I'm especially glad you're sleeping better. That changes my whole life when I've had periods of poor sleep.

Are you on goodreads? It's a fun free application to see what friends are reading and read their reviews. I just got my 12 year old daughter on it so I can see what she thinks of books.

Barbara Jean said...

Great job Heather! =0)

Feels good to accomplish things, but that's not all life is about.

blessings on your summer.

barbara jean

Bea said...

Good for you! Glad your summer list is filled with relaxing and FUN things to do. Just the way summer should be. I have always been a BIG fan of naps. Even if I don't sleep, just laying down and closing my eyes for 30 minutes helps.