Monday, September 29, 2008

little casanova

Bill and I are STILL laughing at ben from Sat night. As we were putting him to bed I asked him the typical bedtime questions:

Question from me or bill:- "Who does ben love"?

Answer: Ben love daddy and mommy

Who else? : Ben love cookies! Ben love doggies! Ben love Ben!

Then bill asked him if he could have a hug- ben hugged him with the book in between them and bill also had to hug the book seperately.

I asked Ben if I could have a kiss. He proceed to pull my face toward him and planted one on the lips.

Being that we were both shocked and wondered who he's been kissing at school. I asked him for another kiss and he the the same thing again.

When I picked him up today I asked who the lucky toddler was, and as I suspected he has a girlfriend that he holds hands with and was "caught" kissing inside the playhouse. Too sweet!

1 comment:

LauraC said...

Alex started doing that a couple of weeks ago... don't tell me he's going to get caught kissing soon!! I'm not ready for that!