Monday, February 1, 2010

I Don't Hear the Opening Music to the Shining....Yet..

We are on Day 3 of being housebound with the snow. Add to that a sick child and I am a little stir crazy. As predicted Friday night into Sat we got about 5 inches of snow covered with a sheet of sleet. Day 1 saw sledding, playing outside in the snow with daddy, yummy food made by mommy, watching tv, creating a baby supplies closet and unloading my Friday afternoon diaper bonanza.

Leave it to me to remember that my $75 in coupons to BJs expiring over the weekend on the same day of bread and milk craziness. That's right, I piled Ben in the cart, stopped for popcorn bribery, ran into an old teaching friend, and for the next 2 hours stocked up. Guess what I didn't get and we ran out of over the weekend... bread and milk!

Day 2- The day started great with sparkle pancakes but after lunch, and 5 pukes later we were dealing with a 24 hour stomach virus. Mommy spent much of the day washing clothes, doing housework, sleeping, and reading between cleaning up, including my new carpet :-( We did play some championship Hungry, Hungry Hippos, worked on new puzzles, and played with a new leggo truck.

Day 3- School is closed today, which means any more days that we miss I will have to take as unpaid leave as it comes off of Spring break. I am scheduled to start maternity leave on March 26th and am really trying to avoid having to post grades at school in labor like last time. Not to sound ungrateful for the day off, given I would have had to taken it as a sick day anyway, but really ready to be back to normal. I don't think I was born with the "do nothing" gene and need my daily schedule to feel like something gets accomplished.

The plan today is to finish all laundry, continue to work on Ben's new room, maybe hit the grocery, work on the freeze ahead blog with a few more entries, and maybe make a couple of freeze ahead items for my next weekend run to SC.

Ben seems much better but is taking it easy on the couch watching the zillionth episode of Max and Ruby, but we again are housebound. I may, may, may go to the grocery later today if he is up to being out and the roads are less icy. Something tells me walking on swollen feet, slepping a sick child after wrecking my car doesn't sound like fun either.

1 comment:

Beth said...

LMBO at Ben in the cart with all the goods. Bummer that he got sick! Glad he seems to be better. As for you, I need to give you some lessons in how to not get very much done and yet be okay with that!