Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How many years to accomplish it all?

I have been working on this list since Thanksgiving at the beach but I think it's appropriate with recent news on my mom to post it today. I really liked the idea from Laura and in my typical list making fashion I think I am going to laminate it and put in on my fridge. Since her #7 is my #10 I will add one more goal. I'm sorry to steal-

1. Live to be at least 10 years older than my dad and stave of a diabetes diagnosis as long as possible
2. Have the conversation with my kids about "when they knew their current partner was the ONE"
3. Grow our family by 2 feet before I'm 35
4. Take the final step from my weight loss and have reconstructive surgery
5. Own a top of the line, loaded Audi that I pay cash to purchase
6. Be in single digit clothes for life
7. Take our 10 year month-long anniversary trip across Europe that didn't happen due to Ben's birth
8. Plan and take an awesome family camping and rafting trip following the Lewis and Clark trail one summer (as well as see some major site in the West)
9. Move and live in the Pacific Northwest at some point of life-retirement?
10. Get a second masters degree possibly in public policy and work for an education policy think tank. Dream school would be the Kennedy School of Government-
11. See the Obama inauguration in person and know that Personal, Professional, and family change can happen when you work for it.

1 comment:

LauraC said...

LOVE the list Heather. I had to modify mine bc I forgot about owning a dog being on my list.