Tuesday, November 4, 2008

V Day!

So at Casa Vinson today is a big day. this marks the FIRST time in a 14 year relationship that bill and I voted for the same candidate (I think for most any election, state or local either). We always have said it we could cancel each other out even on holly springs water commissioner, we would.

So today is V day (Voting day, Victory day, but it will also go down as Vinson Day)to mark the end of a long election season we were together for most of the way in our support of change and an end to the bush dynasty. Has bill seen the light? I doubt it, I don't think he is going to join me when I renew my teacher membership in the ACLU, but he has changed and no longer will only consider the Conservative choice for future elections and to be able to say that, that is REAL change!

I am taking the workday off to spend it with ben and bill. I cannot think of a better way to spend this personal holiday!


LauraC said...

I will be texting you tonight from Jon's phone! (he got a blackberry... so good for texting!) CAN NOT WAIT, I'm on election day high!!

Unknown said...

How anyone woudn't support the ACLU astounds me. It's usually just religious nutjobs against it because they're so offended that the ACLU tries to keep religion out of our schools.