Wednesday, November 5, 2008

E pluribus Unum- So possible!

Bill's post yesterday got me thinking about what I hope to see happen as the Obama administration takes office. It is so very telling what industries we work in as I read his list and now draft mine. Some similarities though:

1. Work with both domestic and foreign agencies to rebuild confidence in the global economic markets
2. Consider consumer bailouts for the consumer credit market and US automarket(not a forgiveness of debt, but a way to prevent further meltdown)
3. Make the first 100 days about implementing incremental change (passage of expansion of Children's Healthcare for example). If you get the public buy-in on something small, real change for bigger issues will be more attainable. Learn from the mistakes of Clinton 1st term
4. Pose real options for healthcare reform to allow more people to gain coverage
5. Work to ensure that families have reproductive choice
6. Work with Congress to overhaul No Child Left Behind. States need money if expected to comply. Everyone wants kids to succeed, don't tie our hands in red tape.
7. Restore US standing on the world stage (this is not a 1 term expectation, just the groundwork). Diplomacy is a sweet word!
8. Work to reduce troops overseas and evaluate where we truly need to be stationed
9. Lead the effort for the US to reduce greenhouse gases and curb global warning by pushing for alternative energy sources
10. Help us keep this feeling alive. Help us find common ground as parties as the next few years will truly test if change mantra can result in tangible, measurable results.

Our Gov't can't do this alone, this is a mandate for us all to step up to the plate and find individual ways to say "YES WE CAN, and WILL"

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