Monday, July 23, 2012

Shots, Nuns, and a Mechanical Bull

***Disclaimer:  No matter at what point of my life you know me, high school, college, even adulthood if you have ever asked yourself if given the opportunity to ride a mechanical bull would Heather partake in such foolishness?  

Folks, you would be right and today my Monday has been rather tame compared to my Saturday in Nashville.

Actually from last Thursday afternoon until yesterday lunch I was with my college sorority sisters for reunion weekend. Much like our weekend at the Grove Park last year expectations were high.  

Actually I must start a wrap up back on Monday with a single picture.

Say would that be a hella lot of shots you took at one time and  I would answer in the affirmative.  5 shots including:  Typhoid, Hep A, Yellow Fever, Tetanus, even a Polio booster.  Add in a prescription for Malaria meds to start next week and yes I will again tell you that going is totally worth it but man did those shots hurt.

Back to Thursday when my friend Meredith arrived in town to join me on the flight.  On our (thankfully) closed Facebook group the reunion has lived on with all bets were putting us on a plane together would

1.  result in a Bridesmaids-type confrontation
2.  someone would be really sorry if they got stuck sitting next to us, especially the nun

By Thursday night we had met up with our group with both of us not banned from Southwest airlines for life.  

Friday am I felt horrible, and not from the say 1 drink I had at dinner.  If you know me then you also know I know that post surgery I've super careful not to make myself sick with any amount of drinking. I felt horrible, like a bus has not only hit me, but also run over me horrible.  I stayed in bed watching the Brady Bunch movie while everyone else is at breakfast.    

I made it out for an amazing lunch of every southern goodness on a plate. I actually cannot stay awake and at this point all I want to do is sleep.  My awesome friend Beth C. (See photo below) is a nurse by trade and immediately linked the shots to the now asleep version that was fun lovin' Heatha just hours before.

Not that the time in bed was all bad, I finally after 4 months of waiting had this little beauty so when not sleeping I was reading.

I was in bed a total of 18 hours and minus leaving for dinner was in the bed for most of Friday.  So yes that kinda of sucked, but if at home would I have been able to pull an monster nap?  Why no, you have kids that would maybe let you sleep 1-2 hours but would want to be like to be fed and entertained at some point.  So in retrospect  it was a good place to be sidelined.

Saturday we opted for BBQ and shopping.  I felt a gazillion percent better so I headed out.  Note: neither Dabni or I purchased said hats or boots.  

We had an elegant dress up dinner followed by a clothes change to head out.  So if you must ask (because I did) what does one where to Nashville Honky Tonk row?

We went out for the night, making a stop by for bull riding.  Yes a bit touristy, but given the chance to ride a mechanical bull while my friends of 19 years sang the "Heatha Hendricks Song" aka it's 2 am and we are still practicing for rush events and need a comic diversion.

Well the answer was of course YES. As expected just like the song, watching me (as well as sister Stacy Jo) be thrown from a mechanical bull was in the perfect company.

Until next year ladies, it was as expected a wonderful weekend with a quote list of inside jokes a mile long.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

You crazy girl! Haha! Sometimes it is fun to do something a little crazy though. Glad you had fun on the mechanical bull. Love the closeup shot of you with your friend, too! And, those shots looks mighty scary. Igh!