Sunday, August 9, 2009

Roadtrip Recount!

What do you get for a little over 1,400 miles???

2 adults that can now split a kids meal AND have leftovers...crazy!

1 child that begged to watch the SAME movie for a straight 12 hours

A special "poo poo truck" only to be played with on the potty, hey he's sitting for longer and longer... is there hope?

Multiple podcasts about planning a trip to Disney World, a few years ago our fav podcast on the road was about Vegas. Wow we are old.

Sitting in Atlanta traffic at 9:30 at night due to massive construction and a conversation with Bill that started, "just start walking away from Fryes and I will look for you on the overpass"

Forgetting my wallet 2 hours from home resulting in us having to turn around BACK to South Carolina... just when I think I made it across the border

2 sets of inlaws in two states and no hurt feelings

A first trip to Chucky Cheese and Build a Bear aka PreSchool Crack

An Earth shattering game of Goofy Golf complete with my saggin' son

Saw a really awful movie (Funny People), but read a good book (Mommy Guilt)

A perfect afternoon at Seaside by myself complete with my fav book store, funky art galleries, and really good key lime gelato

Bill buying a hat that said, "NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO PROBLEMS" and then wore it the entire trip

NO ONE managing to get burned at the beach

All in all a really awesome road trip


Beth said...

Yay for an awesome trip! I love how you summed it up. And I love the picture of the three of you outside Goofy Golf. Sounds like you guys had a great time, despite a few bumps in the road. Welcome back!

LauraC said...

Welcome back! Love the last sign, hope you got it for the yard?