Monday, December 2, 2013

He cut down a tree, so I made him a pecan pie

Know what was the absolute BEST part of the long holiday weekend?

What is a great Thanksgiving day dinner when the key word was PIE?

Did it include hanging out in pjs until mid morning eating pancakes?

Perhaps beautiful weather that was almost warm by mid day to include lots of playing outside?

Was it family movie night to watch Home Alone complete with popcorn, bad 80s fashions, and lots of 7 year old humor?

Nope.  All of those were swell, but the best part was hanging out with Brian. He drove up for a short overnight stay on Friday.

Once he arrived we headed over to Durham Science and Life for the afternoon.  While the kids played, we chatted and had a picnic lunch. The boys loved showing him their favorite parts of the museum.  Not surprisingly it included the dino dig, tunnels, outdoor music area, and the sailboats. Ian especially liked the paper airplane shooter.

 Ben was totally not into making a normal face.  For what it's worth, neither was Brian.

Friday night we picked up sushi and Brian and I watched a marathon of the new season of Arrested Development into WAY too late for adults to be up.  I might have to disown Brian if he didn't howl out loud at the insanity of the Bluth family.

Ben wanted to test out some newly learned chess skills, and my brother was happy to oblige.

Saturday am, I looked out the window to see this,

I mentioned I needed to finish off cutting up a small tree that fell during the summer and well, he showed up with an axe.  Do I even need to wonder while he owns an axe?  I repaid him in pecan pie and filling his cooler full from my freezer stash.

I hope, hope, hope to see him again over Christmas.  Thanks Brian for making the trip up.  Love you!

1 comment:

Beth said...

So glad he got to visit over the holiday weekend! He's a keeper for sure--silly faces and all.