Wednesday, July 18, 2007

If you Skeetered, Say you Skeetered

I've been to South Carolina for most of the last week and while I didn't put it on the list of 70 items I should have. I often say that when I get to Hell I will get time off for the 18 years I spent living in South Carolina. It is truly a state unlike any other in terms of valuing southern ways, Dixie history, and the fact that putting a bummer sticker that reads "if you skeetered..." us considered upping the resale value of your car or better your pick up truck. Not that North Carolina in a bastion of intellect, but at least we are not in the bottom five states for children with rickets, teen pregnancy, and my personal favorite women's rights including domestic violence. I'll get off my soap box as many people I love and helped raise me live in SC and wouldn't move anywhere else (except maybe Mississippi or Alabama).

As many friends know my mom is widowed and is in end stage renal requiring kidney dialysis 3 times a week. When I am down I always try to help out and clean, cook/freeze meals, take her to visit family, and on this trip make floral arrangements for family graves. I love my mom dearly, but needless to say I work really hard while visiting her. Ben always goes with me as he has been a blessing to her to become a grandmother. We did venture out and did a little shopping which was quite hard as I pushed her wheelchair and Ben simultaneously to the many stares of others. We only made it shopping for about a hour before we all were about to give out in the SC humidity and heat. And my hair looked like a 70s afro.

I did get one task accomplished on my 70 list (Elizabeth you will be proud after we tore apart her house looking for my engagement ring only to find in my car). For the LOW cost of 45 bucks I got my rings re sized. our wedding bands are inscribed in Greek on the outside with the famous "love verse" from Corinthians so it had to be hand resized. I love my wedding ring and credit Bill with the super cool idea of a verse that is broken into 2 parts on the two rings, making one. A family friend at our college transcripted it and it was spoken in Greek at our wedding ceremony. I would have never thought that I would loose weight in my fingers but I lost two ring sizes... oh if I could only loose it other places too!!

Home to Raleigh tomorrow after I take my mom to my home church in the morning.


LauraC said...

I am very ashamed to admit that I have idea what "if you skeetered" means... off to google it now.

I do hope Ben treats his mama as well as you treat yours... although you are doing such an amazing job him raising I'm sure he will know how lucky he is!

ElizabethS said...

YAY!!!!!! Never to lose your rings in the car again. :)