Wednesday, July 16, 2008

happy housewife heroine?

It has taken me since April to finish this book (due to stopping to read book club books), but I finally finished The Feminine Mystique. What an an amazing book!

It was kinda bizarre reading her suggestions how to cure the mystique or the mask of contentment of family and childrearing that lead to housewife malaise in the 1950s/60s included some of the very things that working vs stay at home moms still differ as to what is good mothering. I have my grandmother's 1st edition in very fragile condition and it was amazing to read her comments in the margins. It made me realize how much she really struggled to find the same work/family balance that I do today as she defied norms and kept her career after marriage/kids.

I did find it amusing that Fredian predicted a woman would be running for president by 1976, and though she was a little off, I do think she would have been amazed at the dialogue about gender that the 2008 election has opened up. What am awesome and thought provoking read even if I do fall a bit into the martha stewart trap of return to domestic tranquility. thanks memaw jobe for reading along with me :-)

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