Thursday, February 26, 2015

What does it take to educate children in NC?

Obviously not SNOW!  In the annals of denial I was completely NOT thinking that we would miss as many days in 2015 as we did in 2014 due to weather.  When I got to school on Monday I joked that I hadn't seen my students since Thanksgiving.  I had "heard" that we might have a slight chance for some freezing rain on Tuesday, but absolutely didn't think it would stick.  Again, the whole denial thing. Alas, I got when I got up Tuesday for work, was completely ready and was about to get in the car, I see that school is now on a 2 hour delay.  The delay quickly turns into a full on cancellation, making for snow day 5.

Luckily I didn't drive to school like many of my colleagues did only to have to turn around, luckily our Principal allowed teachers to finish up before closing the building.  I had a awful night of insomnia so I literally laid down in my work clothes and went back to sleep after waking Bill to tell him about the delay. By around 10 am, large puffy flakes were coming down and sticking. Forecasting changed from a a possibility of freezing rain to expected 1 inch accumulation.  Since the boys were home we spent time outside playing in the snow while Bill went in to get a few hours of work done in the office.

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