Sunday, February 22, 2015


Greetings from a 60 degree day where almost all the snow has melted and two children are very sad.  Our weekend was filled with the usual Friday afternoon soccer conditioning at Next Level, dinner out with friends' family (son also taking lessons with Next Level) and an attempt to watch our Friday night date of a week's worth of Daily Shows didn't last into the first episode until I was snoring.

Saturday Ben's flag football was cancelled as there was still a good 1/2 inch of ice still on the local middle school field they practice/have their game.  Mom got in a double class workout with kickboxing and a strength class.  I also did a barre class while home over the last days.  Can I just say that everything hurt come Sunday am.  I'm about a month out from falling and my ankle is still tender in one place but finally this week I have felt almost 100%.

Saturday night I surprised Bill with a 40th birthday dinner out with a surprise party with 5 couple friends.  I had coordinated with the wives to make sure all had childcare and could meet up at one of Bill's favorite places to go, a local Brazilian steakhouse.

I had also coordinated to have a cake made featuring a Tardis from Dr. Who.  Wouldn't you guess that as soon as Eileen opened up the cake box, Ian planted his hand into blue icing.  Add to it that our childcare fell through as we were heading out the door and we scrambled to find drop in care.  All of this while trying not to give away that 10 other people were waiting on us to arrive and for Bill to be surprised.

All was saved and Bill was truly surprised and loved the cake.  Sunday was another normal day of heading to church, picking up groceries, including 16 lbs of marked down meat, hence a inpromtu ground beef o'rama while watching the Oscars, add extra long dog walking, booking all travel for Salt Lake AP Gov't reading in June, finishing a 2nd book from the week at home, a Y Guides meeting for Bill and Ben, and a playdate with a neighbor at our house for Ian and you almost have our weekend.

What didn't get done, the remainder of school work that sat untouched.  So let's start this week again and hope we can make it a full FIVE days!

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