Monday, March 24, 2014


It was almost like by Friday afternoon, the Universe smiled and said, "here, enjoy a beautiful spring day, you've earned it."

After a whirlwind of pick ups, drops offs, soccer practice, Friday night collapsed into an easy dinner, bedtime for the boys and House of Card for the adults.  Most of Saturday I shuffled from another soccer practice, soccer game, getting a mani/pedi, grading papers and prepping the final week of school before spring break.

Sunday was much the same with only heading to church for an ongoing amazing Lent series that I haven't wanted to miss.  How is it this church continues to reinvent itself in it's approach to what you think you know?

I ran into a fellow colleague going in who has since left my school but is still in the teaching profession.  We both were laughing at how much of each other's stuff we keep borrowing and how much easier it was to share best practices when we were across the hall. Is that is the beauty of the Internet? You continue to know someone you no longer really physically see.

The major highlight of the weekend was Laura's 40th birthday party on Saturday night.  I had a great time celebrating a good friend.  It was amazingly themed and planned to the hilt with details a plenty.  It was especially great getting to be around so many amazing women, all with some relationship to the lady of the hour.  Add seven dozen cupcakes, SO much food and drink, and great gift giveaway of other's favorite things.  I think many of at the party would say, our lives are better because happenstance let our paths cross.

I'm heading into the last week before Spring break.  With Bill taking the boys solo to Atlanta for the weekend to meet up with him mom, brother, and sister in law this week is is on tap for wrap up, move forward, clean out, and sit back.

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