Thursday, March 14, 2013

T-shirt quilt

My good friend Katie has mad sewing skills. Bill mentioned to me he wanted to retire some of his older t shirts, most bought from the website TeeFurry.  Bill is frankly a walking billboard for the company and buys a couple of new shirts each month.

Some wives deal with porn addiction, for me it's a husband with an obsession with crytic t-shirts.  Sadly, most if not all have to be explained to me.

For Bill's birthday Katie made the following quilt.  I love it, Bill loved it.  It's super cozy and displays some of his most loved but worn out shirts.  No comment on him NEVER wearing the 1982 Wargames-esque TRON shirt.  I have given him so much grief every time he wore it in public. She even found matching Star Wars cloth to fill in the spaces between the shirts. 

Thank you Katie for a great gift as well as our ongoing friendship.

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