Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Need a Hazmat Suit and My 10k Back

Checking in after dropping out of life for the last week and looking like I have been living in a Trailways Bus station. I'm on a long night doing sick dog duty until 2 am switch off and working on my class to get caught up grading and contacting kids not working in the meantime.


- Sick dog getting sicker. Over 20 seizures Sunday into the early am and more again last night. Feeling a hard decision to make coming soon. The Vet is not helpful, more like a shaming, punitive parent. The the medication that makes most animals lethargic makes our dog manic and uberhyper.

- Discipline problems out the ass. Ben was on TV restriction for the entire weekend for hitting his camp counselor twice on Friday. Let me tell you that getting the call to meet with the director in the carpool line sucks.

-On that note we are trying several strategies. This is a separate post later but needless to say we are part of the problem and are working to resolve it. Take tired parents, plus a new baby needing lots of attention, and add difference in discipline strategies and I think you can fill in the pieces.

-Ben cannot get booted from his 1/2 day Y camp as my online class is more than the believed 9-12pm commitment. It's like being a first year teacher learning how to translate the content I know into success online with my students. The good news is that each week has gotten easier and I don't have lunch duty.

- I'm using my afternoons with my own kids at the pool but paying the price in that I work another 3+ or so hours each night grading and calling kids. Our TV has not been on in days, minus my season 1 True Blood marathon last Sat night. SO GOOD!

-Long convo with the powers that be about job security both for Bill and my own situation. It's work decision time about fall options and as always, it's complicated.

- Replacing our AC unit at the tune of 7k tomorrow. We better get something back when we sell this house. A new water heater and AC in less than 2 years and I still have a 30 min commute to civilization. It's time to be out by summer 2011.

-Final IVF claim denied because it was 48 hours, yes 2 glorious days, out of contract. First appeal denied, going for another since we originally got conflicting info on filing deadline. I wouldn't care and should be grateful for the amount we did get covered but it is 3k we didn't have to pay if we had not been lazy asses in filing.

At least I didn't venture out barefoot no less to my local liquor store Friday night in a stained house dress. In a last minute car squealing into the parking lot 5 mins before closing much needed grocery run I was reminded that things really aren't that bad.

Thank you sad old lady for keeping it real and putting it in perspective. You made me laugh out loud the first time all week. I bet you would serve me some stale Archway cookies along with what you were drinking to wash down a really craptastic week.


HeatherV said...

Yep, between writing this and yes PROOFING it just now a long night indeed. Multiple dog seizures resulting in much cleaning this am.

This week cannot be as bad as last one. It cannot.

Beth said...

Wow. I won't say that things can't possibly get worse, because they always can. But I will say that I would be completely sympathetic to the barefoot-stained-house-dress-wearing lady had she had the same kind of week you have. I love that you can maintain your sense of humor through it all. And I'm glad the class is getting easier. I'm sending huge hugs your way!

LauraC said...

Sounds like a crappy crappy long week.
PLEASE come tomorrow. I will bring the wine. Or margarita punch. Whatever you want.

This sounds like the week I had with two puking 3 month olds, a puking Jon, and a boil water notice. I literally cried to one of my friends saying that if parenting got harder than this, I couldn't do it.

Beth Copham said...

I had to our dog of 13 years down at Christmas...notice I said "I" b/c husband wanted no part of that decision. He had been very sick for about six months and I finally decided I was being cruel to the poor animal that just wanted some peace. I feel your pain girl.

We are also arguing with insurance over a out patient surgery our daughter had over Christmas. You gotta love insurance! So glad we pay through the nose for it and they give us nothing but grief over it. :)

I am sending wishes for a better week or atleast some more liquor from the state store.